Robert and the World’s Best Cake

Translated by David Henry Wilson full color throughout $ 17.95 US / $ 23.95 CAD Hardcover / 8.5 x 11 32 pages / ages 4 to 8 ISBN: 978-0-7358-4431-5

Robert and the World’s Best Cake

Robert and his father have the day off.

Robert wants to bake a gigantic cake—the best in the world! But when Robert’s freshly created invitations blow out the window, Robert, his dad, and Mopsi the dog get an even bigger surprise. Just when they sit down to eat the cake, the doorbell rings again, and again, and again!

With humor and a keen sense of the absurd, Anne-Kathrin Behl tells a delightful story about the big and little wonders of everyday life.

Check out the fun coloring pages under Teacher’s Resources!

A vibrant read especially well suited for our indoor era.
Kirkus Reviews

The lively background scenes and characters—including burly, bearded Dad, with arm tattoos and bunny slippers, and ginger mop-top Robert in a purple apron—incorporate whimsical and droll details. First published in Switzerland, this offers a lighthearted, fantastical read with delicious charm.

Behl offers a humorous tale about the importance of being flexible when things don’t go according to plan. The lively illustrations enhance a message of diversity and inclusion; secondary characters such as the father, who appears to be a single dad with tattooed arms and likes to knit, joins adult and children of varied races and religions.
School Library Journal

Creativity, imagination, and bonding share the driver seat of this story, which subverts traditionally-held ideas of family structure and gender stereotypes with visual and story cues, without being preachy.
Children's Literature Reviews